Seminar: Double sketch design compact workshop:Re_sourcing architecture Design Aesthetic - Details

Seminar: Double sketch design compact workshop:Re_sourcing architecture Design Aesthetic - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Double sketch design compact workshop:Re_sourcing architecture Design Aesthetic
Untertitel Unlocking the Benefits of Imperfect Reuse Design
Veranstaltungsnummer A MA PM 04
Semester SS25
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 25
Heimat-Einrichtung Fakultät Gestaltung
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
ECTS-Punkte 6

Räume und Zeiten


Blended Intensiv Program (BIP)

By reusing building parts of buildings condemned to demolition, architects can create innovative new architectural design concepts that blend the familiar with the new, resulting in a new aesthetic.
The new aesthetic could create pioneering architecture design features that are representative of a rethink that aims to: internal densification instead of extension, further use or conversion, and thus making an important contribution to the circularity of architecture.

As part of the interdisciplinary workshop, we want to work together on a project to find out which key objectives are expedient for the circular design of buildings.

Should these be based more on the design principles of modernism, constructivism, rationalism, historicism, .... of a style-eclecticism or do we even have to find a new form of the aesthetics of the 1920s in the 21th century, which can stand for a circular architecture?

Should the aesthetic quality of the reuse better follow the well-known patterns of preservation and design perfection or defining new ways to find an adequate and appropriate expression for new from old?

Many examples of products and architecture of Lost Places have long shown that the design of the imperfect can also be associated with a great charm, which has already led to the creation of the new in the old style.